Crime Trends, Crime Phenomena and Crime Prediction - Chapter 2  Every law enforcement organization set its own goals and objectives with the intention of providing the best service to the community and the designated area to which it is entrusted. We all want to reduce level of crime so that it is at 'tolerable' levels and so that the 'business results' of the organization are satisfactory for the country's leaders and for the law-abiding public. A high level of crime can harm the entire country– harming tourism, scaring off investment, and damaging personal security sense of its own citizens. In the end of the day, crime brings finance damages. Crime is a complex and dynamic mosaic, which requires law enforcement organizations to keep a close eye on its fluctuations and trends and be prepared for new waves of crime trends and phenomena. This requires fine intelligence tools, fine processing capabilities of all intelligence and data, and sharing insights and information with all levels of policing. This creates smart policing and ensures that the relevant information finds its way to all levels- from patrol officer to the federal units. Information lying in some warehouse or in the possession of individuals is not only out of value, but its absence can cause serious malfunctions and even harm the lives of police officers and civilians. There are countless examples of this. The word intelligence always rings like something classified and confidential, causing officers to hold the information close to their chests without sharing. The world has changed and so has information management. In order to ensure that the crime is not a step forward, we need to adopt innovative and different thinking than what we used to in the past. Smart policing is not always a function of a bigger budget. Developing intelligence and smart policing processes is like constant cycling. If you stop pedaling and moving forward- you will fall.