By B. General (r) Guy Nir, INP

February 2022 

How would crime looks like after the covid? The coronavirus pandemic will leave its mark not only on the years 2021-2022 , but also, perhaps mainly, on the future, and will have an impact in ways that the world has not known for many decades. The unique and prolonged period in which the virus has affected (and still is affecting) our lives, has enabled many researchers in the fields of criminology and sociology to examine the effects of the coronavirus on social and economic trends and of course its impact on crime. In many countries around the world, alongside the coronavirus pandemic, we witnessed politically turbulent period, and the coronavirus has been an accelerating and fueling factor for many demonstrations and disturbances. The world's enforcement agencies were required to conduct enforcement, policing and handle of complex public order events in light of the coronavirus restrictions and the challenges posed by the pandemic to every enforcement agency. However, despite the difficult months in which many enforcement agencies have had to deal with a variety of enforcement tasks, which have never been required before and are a direct result of the coronavirus pandemic and its derivatives, it appears that the real challenge is still ahead. While there was a decline in certain types of crime trends during the months of the quarantines, this decline was mainly due to movement restrictions and regulations that artificially caused social distancing, isolation of a large population, work from home, and voluntary isolation of many parts of the population. Let's not forget, that these restrictions are time-limited, and are to be completed at one time or another, each country at a different rate and timing, in accordance with the authorities' control over the pandemic and its derivatives. Crime data measured in various countries around the world during the unique period imposed by the pandemic leads to the conclusion that the decline in certain areas of crime is the product of a temporary and artificial situation imposed on the world. An analysis of various data and factors conducted in our company shows that law enforcement organizations around the world, without exception, must prepare for the 'day after' the end of the coronavirus pandemic. The "day after" the coronavirus pandemic entails not only economic and social impacts, but also significant impacts on crime and its trends, and therefore presents new, additional challenges for those engaged in policing tasks. Leaders and commanders of law enforcement organizations must now prepare for the 'day after'. We are here to help.